SEO Made Easy for Beginners


SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization which is now considered the best practice in making a website marketable. This means allowing many visitors to your website coming from search engines. This is a strategy that allows more traffic from commercial search engines like Google, Yahoo, Baidu, or Blekko. SEO is simply a technique used to make search engines understand the structure of your website. Use SEO to help you increase your business opportunities.

            Anyone can use this technique. You just need to understand the basics and a little information necessary to improve your site’s traffic. If your website now is currently in the #20 on Google search and you want to be in #1, your site needs SEO. If you want your business site to get noticed on the web, you will need to make use of the right strategy.

            Most internet users primarily navigate the web through the use of search engines. These commercial search engines provide traffic or people looking for products, contents, information, or services that may be related to what you offer. Search engines are like doors of opportunities. Once they are opened, opportunities can become accessible. If your website is not optimized, people may not know your site actually exists.

            An SEO title tag shows the topic of your web page. It is the most significant part of your on-page SEO because it can give you better rankings. The contents of the SEO title tag appears in the first line of the search results. Include the most important keyword in the title tag.

            Use of SEO keywords can increase traffic into your website. Good SEO means good keyword density. Ideally 1-3% is considered relevant by search engines. To compute, just count the total number of the chosen keyword in the content and divide it by the total number of words. Multiply the quotient by 100 to come up with the keyword density. A good formula for this is K / T * 100 = Density in %; where K stands for total number of keyword chosen and T stands for the total number of words in the content.

            If you want your website to be considered by search engines as the best source of business industry information, make sure you have high-quality SEO content. Excellent content that uses SEO help generate links to your site’s page. This increases traffic and boosts your search engine rankings.


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